Sunday, October 21, 2001

Here's a mystery. My sister, Monica, was a member of the choir in the soundtrack to the movie, Fame. You remember that insanely melodramatic early Alan Parker production that became his and MGM's gift to the student bodies of the NYC High Schools of Music and Art and Art and Design.

Well, Joie DBG understandably mispelled my surname in the upcoming East Village Outdoor Antifolk Revue at the Central Park Bandshell (The Revue is this Sunday, October 28th.) so I ran a search under the name as mispelled, with the reversed zs.. dizzoza.. during my search for listings...

Monica came up with the mispelled last name in the Barnes and Nobles credit listing for Fame, with a link to Naytionz Capital. So the question is, Why does Barnes and Nobles list my sister as one of the producers of Fig Naytionz new album, Naytionz Capital? Here it is:

Album Credits
Fig Naytion
Primary Artist
Phonk Beta
Monica Dizzoza
Arthur Griffith
Executive Producer
Brotha Lynch Hung
Digital Pablo

Perhaps it's a good album. To order go to

In addition to Fame, Alan Parker made a hideous Diane Keaton/Albert Finney film and the much more hideous, and thus, I think he hit his mark that time, film called Angel Heart. Midnight Express, The Pink Floyd Wall... these, too... I love the Angel Heart Coney Island scene...

Say, I am preparing a presentation of my new entertainment, The Golf Wars, scheduled for Lou Rodgers November 6th Square One.
-- Heroism, pretending to be something you're not, and explaining to people that you're "on" to who they REALLY are -- these are among its elements... Now to assemble them.

Naytionz -- couldn't it be Nayshunz?