I'm full of non-sequitors because I can't be bothered linking one thought to the next, well maybe I can. You're worth it...
Recent events include a staging of The Golf Wars at La Mama, directed by Tom Nondorf, which was in time for Election Day, when the tied election tide decisively turned.
I suggest before writing a redundant new play, a festival of the last decade of plays with music, such as they are, to get a fuller picture of the joyous magical world we live in.
Our performance of the song Chimney Flu/Heigh Ho worked well with the New York Composers Circle concert deep within the depths of the Baruch Performing Arts Center. Piano, voice and electric guitar played by Roger Blanc, each, had notated independent lines and accompaniments, just like in earlier songs.
I see I'll be a master of ceremonies of sorts for the Lambs Holiday party.
This world is so big, and the City keeps filling. Apparently, and additionally, there are universes beyond it.
I wonder how terrorized I've felt and how injurious of myself I've been to balance and take command of that feeling.
Trust in humanity and think for yourself. Put your joyous life first.