How to be compensated for what you like to do. At sixes and sevens? -- consider the eights, as in, to Create!
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
original version of Maintenant 15 Dada Essay
original version of Maintenant 15 Dada Essay
Dear Residency Committee,
I attach here the original version of an essay I submitted to the above publication. Although the Maintenant editors included my essay, I did not send them what I originally wrote. However, as it is an indication of my attempt to make sense out challenges to our existence I offer it here as my writing sample.
A Dada Essay of Nonsense Distinguished by Stupidity, by Peter Dizozza
Oh how transgressive is the super hero, fighting evil by delving into the dark side.
Rah rah humans, we're good and they're bad.
Die virus.
Fuck you, baddy.
What a feel-good display of the struggle and triumph of good over evil.
We must kill that which kills us.
Can we at least agree that that which kills us is evil?
We can't???
Yes we can!
We righteous are cursing too much. Expletives replace content, yeah! (fuck yeah!) The virus also has a right to live and will mutate to its stasis as … as a guest that does not kill its host, as a subtenant that does not cause the eviction of its leaseholder from its transient home in the rental building of life.
The great herpes virus has achieved a state of irremediable perfection. There is no cure. Welcome herpes. May you live long and may I live as long as you.
Viruses, there is no need for you to hide. I welcome all infectious agents. Make your presence known so that we can live together with other parasites, bacteria, viruses and people – for we must.
As Public radio reports new mutations, remember, comrades, the virus never dies.
Politics is not about the form of government...
Die fascists. This guitar kills you!
Politics is about mind control. If we learned anything from George Orwell's 1948 novel about 1984, it is that the controller is also the controlled. (Mind control controls the controlled and the controller.) and the enemy never dies...
The higher up the pyramid of authority we go, the more controlled we are, until we reach the apex, a big empty point, upon which sits nothing, the chairman of the board.
Fuck you fascists. Stick it up your ass. Get your vaccination then shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up and inject me before the virus replicates my cells into zombie clones to turn them against me. Vaccine, replicate an army of zombie clones to destroy the virus zombie clones! Let the battle begin.
My worker cells are organizing into a union, a viral union!
Hello. I'm a virus organizer.
I work for the virus.
The virus corrupts; keep it away from my worker cells!
We must convert these cells from virus clones to sentient beings, working together to keep us alive.
Mobilize with the power of agreement. Don't tell them think too much. Just give them a slogan to repeat as they march.
Cells, you need not think too much. Just do your work, and when you die, disappear, forgotten, to make room for the new cells.
Welcome new cells. Your predecessors have gone on to a better world free of the toils of the day. They are in heaven.
Cell, don't you know me? I am you.
Yes, of course we grant full freedom of speech and expression to the aggressive virus, and once it has your listening it will never stop talking, but listen to me too.
Ok. This a debate. Listen to both of us and decide for yourself. Do you choose life with me or death with the virus, or should I more fairly say, life with me or life with the virus?
I'm better than the virus. You know that. I can deliver you a profile of all viruses so that you can discriminate between us and we don't need to repeat this discussion in the future.
All viruses are bad!
We gather here today because we suspect that among you worker cells are cells corrupted by a virus. We know you mix with us and I just want to say, do not be afraid. You want to live as much as we do, so pull back, do not kill your host and together we will thrive (as organisms polluted by viruses).
Virus, the only way you thrive is if I thrive.
Or go out and assemble your own organism and we'll deal with you in the jungle.
Fuck you, virus!
The virus has rights.
What about the rights of rocks?
We will address that next time.
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