Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Omicron Is the 15th Letter in the Greek Alphabet

Everything is in flux as the virus evolves toward a symbiotic balance where it no longer contributes to the death of its host. I look forward to tomorrow's headlines, appreciate the opportunity to experiment with "moderna" biotech on myself, think the rapidity in which biotech has gained acceptance in our health care is commendable, and I also acknowledge the inclusiveness that my "COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card" currently provides me. We'll see. Thank you for asking. That was my answer to why I would not necessarily agree to our daughter being vaccinated at 3 years old. However, I did receive my own half dose moderna booster. I was answering a monkey survery; I ultimately closed the survey when I arrived at the question which I only remember now as being, "are you of hispanic origin" and there was only yes or no as the answer options. Without answering that question I could not move on to the final questions and the answer to that question every time I see it is, I don't know.


Alan said...

Quite interesting, you have been blogging for a looong time.

Alan said...

You have been bloging for a loooong time.