Monday, August 19, 2024

A Bee Flew into My Mouth While I was Riding Against the Wind

That's basically it. I was biking home from Jackie Robinson Park, 8 1/2 miles...and Manhattan has cliffs on that upper west side so places that appear to be close on the map are separated by great differences in altitude, anyway, the route home met with wind flowing steadily north (the tail end of Hurrican Ernesto) and by the time I got near Union Square my mouth was wide open, I guess I open it to expand the nasal breathing and to exhale, so a bee flew into it and I removed it and I felt the definitive placement of its sting at the very base below the tongue. I road home and surprised Maira and Zora with the news and the request for assistance. Maira was cooking and found it hard to put into perspective that I was actually in an emergency state. Zora was interested in seeing and I tried to angle the phone flashlight as I couldn't find another flashlight. Then I took a useless tweeser and began playing with the area holding the phone with one hand and the wide ended tweezer with the other. Then Maira took over and I remembered my father somehow left me a tweezer which I'd taken to London as part of my bath baggie, and there it was thin and elegant. I actually found that and she began using it. However, whatever Maira tried to tweeze beneath the tongue seemed to move away on its own. That base beneath the tongue is extremely amorphous. She said I can't get it and held in the tweezer the stinger. She did get it. We put it on a piece of paper with scotch tape over it. You could see the length of sharpness of the stinger... 1/8 of an inch, with its venom sack. It was out of my mouth. Sure I still have some swelling. It feels like I have a flap below my tongue. I can say it: I got stung beneath the tongue.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

SOCIAL -- the info-document by Peter Dizozza, 1994

The girl attractive there tonight was Micky, from another session but this time less lesbian by admission. She eventually answered the question of her favorite body part, she the personal trainer who enjoyed the ordering of men as she helped them work out themselves; it was her pussy; she thought it pretty, as I'm sure it was, she who looked so like a pussycat, the way her body slinked, perfectly postured, in the black velour pants and back zip half boots. The fellow by her, to her left as I sat to her right, was perhaps playing games with his woman of the week, the one, Deborah, who made something of a materialist fool of herself by discussing the Tiffany gift she would be delighted to get from him, the gold ankle bracelet and gold tennis bracelet. God, sexy can be pathetic. I got home and looked out my hallway and whom should I see but Nick Miller, who had my library tape, the return of which led to an invitation up to his place. He has the apartment in the line next to mine and considerably less windowy than my relative paradise. He had filled it with artifacts of a bygone era, and indeed his descent was from Vienna where all bygones belong. His parents had indeed passed on, although his grandmother thrives in Vienna. Ah, what was the name of the Viennese fellow who I used to meet in the Candlewood area and who sparked all those old world fantasies. He struck me as sophisticated and wealthy. Indeed I was most enamored of him. Was that Nicholas with whom I just spent the latter part of this evening? "The Fundamentals of Relationship with the accent on Fun" hosts a weekly encounter group, called "The Social," whereby Bruce, assisted by his radiant wife, Regina, lead a group of 20 or so friends, guests and strangers through four games, one of which is played throughout, which is the regarding of us all as perfect and responsible for our condition which is exactly as we would have it at the given moment, the three other games being played sequentially, the first being a pairing up with a discussion on a topic usually stated by Bruce, this evening's being "describe yourself as a member of the opposite sex," the second involving a series of attention focusses, called the hot seat, where all eyes must aim, more specifically to rest upon the person sitting there, the hot seat being wherever you're sitting. A series of questions follow such as the one described above where Mickey's answer was her pussy. In fact, that line of questioning and her sexy answer concluded that game for the night. The last game is a withheld and overt statement each of the participants wants to get out to release tension toward whomever, either in the room involving some interaction or observation, or to someone beyond the group, Bruce acting as the surrogate subject. (For example, if I said, "God, there's something I've withheld from you," Bruce would say, "OK, would you like to tell me?") All eyes rest on the person making the statement and the recipient of that statement must acknowledge completion of the statement with a flat yet polite thank you in no way defining reaction for that's not the point. The statement is purely for the speaker's sake, for his or her release of energy, not for the reaction it generates, theoretically. As with the hot seat this group focus of attention also applies in this final game. Questions directed to the hotseat person may not include personal observation. It is not what we would like to know or what I noticed and therefore wish to ask about, but simply the direct question. Notwithstanding the rule, there is often reference to other people within the questions asked, usually employing information obtained in other discussions or hot seats. Regina and Bruce incorporated what they knew of Jane from the private sessions she had scheduled with them. The social event, which lately happened at the Sherry Netherland penthouse, costs 7 dollars and includes a little food and drink spread, and the private sessions "Fundamentals of Relationships" and "Advanced Fun," apparently cost $125 and last an entire weekend. I get the impression through advance publicity that in these seminars touching is involved as they feature hands on training. Anyway, Jane and I had our hot seats about having babies, my favorite topic in relationships since it so fills me with fear, excitement and interest (I've been saying it's the whole point behind sex). I answered a few questions and found myself forgetting it was I on the hotseat and not me asking questions of someone else. On May 12th there was a party there. I participated by playing the piano, particularly for a young little stocky lady named Lisa. Ilana was there and so was Jane. My favorite song of the night was "Hopelessly Devoted." I was telling Ilana how girls used to suck my breasts and my eyebrows and how this mother's day no one called me. I had to call out and practically beg the person to wish me a happy mother's day. Whatever happened? I so appreciated the Suzanne chick from Munich somewhat coming upon me at that party that I dreamt hallway intimacy with her. When we had Doorway Hallway Intimacy could her man be not far behind. Ilana and I went to the Lesbian bar, The Rubyfruit Jungle, and that's where those cute passive chicks look stiff-eyed back at the arm-embracing prowler hawkettes with the close cropped hair. It's so good to see them captured in the very embrace they vaguely felt they wanted to get caught in. (does the prey, by virtue of its vulnerability, go into the lion's den to confront its adversary?). Some of the encounters looked more equal, however, some of the girls were just manly vested, with dark hanging hair, so beautifully artfully varient from shapeless hair. If I ever find such a (medium sized) woman I will do my best to keep her. Ilana was quite extroverted today, as she usually is. It was funny to me that at the bar I'd encounter these Wesley friends, one of which (whom) was hired by the Wharton Buisness School to write an Internet article on Lead Disclosure Legislation in connection with Real Estate Transactions. "I've this great wing. It wants to enfold you. It brings out the bold you." I went to Caesar's Palace at Atlantic City and there I learned the meaning of the words Forty-Four Caliber Alarm Clock. It's the sound of fifty thousand slot machines vying for the attention of fifty four thousand people. Jay Leno was entertaining the folks there. It's a place that substitutes Kalaidascope mirrors for windows. Truly frighteningly disorienting. Upon arrival the first thing I had to do was find the street exit after we came in through some 10 story parking lot. Oh my the place is a big box like macy's, and how silly of me, I learned how to get around the rooms from the brilliant computer game Leisure Suit Larry. Incredibly this building was one of the line of buildings on the boardwalk. Remember the freak of nature is a mule. I may never be getting laid again, but Ilana does attract the prettiest women. And she's attracted to them, too. What an unusual balance. I like to look and so does she. Then it even goes further where the type of directness I couldn't dream of becomes possible. They ask her, Let's spend the night together. Now I need you more than ever. Let's spend the night together NOW. She says no and I say unto them, well how about me? I'll say yes. So eventually Ilana did say yes and there was Kendra in her bedroom. First we went out. I took two 22yolds to Veniero's. I should have brought my camera. Later I was watching the Library film, Dona Flora and her dead husband, while they slipped into the other room and, as Ilana described it, rubbed vaginas. Then her departure was about as fast as a banana split.

Werther inspired Massenet who also wrote a Cinderella Opera

Massenet's Werther music created passion through an overlap of motifs, melodies and orchestration. The libretto credits four people. It reduces the action to its four incidents, its four acts. The children draw Werther to their Christmas Carol leader, a woman betrothed to another, and rather than breaking her commitment she marries the other fellow; oh, Werther loves her. When Werther reappears as a casual acquaintance he can't restrain his love, and exiles himself while the woman's sister shows herself to be willing, and perhaps even the better match, but no, he leaves to return the following Christmas

Explorer Richard Francis Burton, and his translations of The Pentameron and The Perfumed Garden

This is a sandbox post, specific to my own exploration. There is some happiness in women and men uniting as equals, with the respect deserving of both their bodily pleasures. This balance between the two is a challenge for the man, and in my experience it is to be confronted. I have been a selfish lover. It always confounded me to hear my friend Tyr talk of the withholding of release as a preference, because it addresses the time needed to balance the satisfaction between men and women. The Pentameron includes the story of the Cat Cinderella, where, following the instruction of her tutor, a princess murders the first step mother to replace her with a worse one.

I'm preparing for music directing Paul Kirby's The Boy Who Listened to Paintings, also by Dean Kostos.

That means I confront the content of this piece which is about a boy growing up to be the author. His life included some time in an assylum, a place of refuge, as he confronts the tendency toward suicide. We can connect with childhoods. The stories of our development allow us to be the center of attention. Once again I'm searching for the issues I want to confront, by writing freely, not so freely, pausing constantly. Paul's music remains engaging and sincere. It's what I will focus on creating nightly at the piano, and there are the voices that piano will support. They will be learning and singing together. There's the ongoing discussions of the script, searching for a state of being that allows for one's release into the world, from the institute, or tute, that specializes in housing us. This is the author's story and how it intersects with ours, we who are different, all of us being so. I suppose anyone engaging in this question of differences is by definitition different. My own human interaction is called into question as I sit here, concerned about my inability to convey my concerns to people I'm helping, how do I even get into that helping environment? by working. What can I do to help and earn money? Ok I just heard it. Thorazine is the antidote to LSD. Meanwhile, I am trying to collect money for people through claims. The money I collected for someone comes to me in a check that must be endorsed by that same someone, and he has not endorsed it. The check validity expires in a week. As I read into this I conclude that he is not currently able to assume the responsibility of having money as the state of not having any allows him to receive much needed benefits for housing and food. This is the kind of thing that can occupy 90% of my mind, as the recovery of any money for this incident might be looked upon as something of a success. Instead we're sharing a limbo which, objectively, is where everything is. I like Paul Kirby's music and am excited to be bringing it to a piano. I'm hesitant about adding to my own creativity and question what I have already done. end note: I did my best to play the score exactly as written... NOTE ON THE YIP HARBURG BALDWIN PIANO WE USED: (Baldwin built the piano in 1940. As there is a little placque I'm thinking Yip Harburg purchased it from Birkel Richards while he was in Los Angeles.) For the first weekend of performances we had limited use of the sustain pedals and no access to the soft pedal. Over time the hammers on the piano had become loose and misaligned, such that pressing the soft pedal and sustain pedals caused them to hit adjacent strings. Jeff Holck repaired it! Tightened Piano Bench, Loose Leg Screws Removed key cover, key blocks, music desk, restored parts and moving quilt / cover & music desk to closed piano lid Cleaned debris from inside Piano Action Bed Adjusted Hammer Alignments as needed to prevent hammers from hitting adjacent note strings with or without soft pedal Adjusted Soft Pedal travel as needed to prevent hammers hitting adjacent note strings Tweaked tuning at several notes with bad unisons Note: Not all hammer alignments were adjusted for precise soft pedal travel. Adjustments made only with problematic hammers to allow using soft pedal and sustain pedal without issues.

Recorded Sound Information (from Stereo Exchange employee, Greg Marston)

AIR PRESSURE CHANGES ARE SOUND Stereo Repair Technician 29 East 31st Street, 2nd Floor, between Madison and Park, NY NY 10016 212-725-8778 Glenn Marston said Electromagnetic impulses vibrate coil and magnet in the speaker. Optical Sound (off of film) through a 4 ohm rated speaker needs more resistence (more power from the amplifyer) than an 8 ohm speaker (Bose are usually 6 ohm). There is a sound acadamy curve. For de-emphasized bass, RIAA curve, a slant. For a magnetic representation of sound a bias signal is applied. Germany (Nazi era) produced Magnetic Tape Ampex is Bing Crosby's tape company Magnetic charges also stored on Mylar and Acetate 2 coils exciting the gap. A bias signal is applied, shaking up the magnetic particles, making it linear. The speaker transforms the electric current back into sound. Not only does each live performance of a song add another compositional layer to an already composed piece... Each play back of a recording is its own a unique performance of the recording, sent to our ears by the equipment that generates it. The sound travels as an electric current through wire and the speaker (which modulates air pressure) transfers it back into sound.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Notes on 8mm Wedding Only Titles June 22nd, 1957 in Colour -- (kodachrome tungsten?)

Complete digital transfer by Helge Bernhardt of the available 8mm color film exposed on June 22nd, 1957, prepared with music by Peter Dizozza, From the Cinema VII Audial visual archive. with If I Ever, Tiffany Symbol Search, Stay With Me and excerpt from The Ocean Floaters Theme Song (by Peter Dizozza. CVII Audial Recordings.) CopyrIghts reserved and administered by the Cinema VII Alternate Entertainment Collective, 2013. Dear Viewers, I remember Monica and I wishing we could attended this event, but of course we weren't born. This movie records moments from our parents' wedding day. My recollection of the film and the people in it returns like an avalanche, not naturally but ONLY as a result of my viewing the film. Therefore its existence uncovered is another movie miracle. (Some photographer did a pretty good job using the 8mm film here. Please note partially dissolved state of the film emulsion from water damage, how spectacularly colorful it is.) Please give me strength, time and focus to assemble a proper script of this history... I guess we just call it: THE GRANDMOTHER (1905-2005) Sure, there's plenty of back story. A sampling for now is the phone call that our mother receives while she's preparing her wedding dress. She 's telling the fellow on the line asking her for a date that she must decline, for she is getting married today. Our grandmother's look at her is amazing. We remember mom telling us that story, and seeing the movie now I do believe that it is true. Our mom's grandmother is the woman at the beginning of the movie, with her second husband beside her. Our great-grandmother's story comes back to me now like a reflex (like reflux...): She lost her first husband when he was wheeling a sanitation cart. He got hit by car and crawled up the stairs to the apartment where he died. A picture of our great grandfather (Giovaniello?) seen his open coffin with our great grandmother beside it suggests that when he died he appeared to be younger than his own son... Her new husband brought along his own family of children and in order to show those children that people in New York work for a living, our great grandmother sent her fighter son (Redsy?) to work on the 2nd avenue subway where he was promptly hit by a train???? (2024 note... I think he was electrocuted). And that's why future political leader Meade Esposito promised to take care of our mom's mom, Margie, Redsy's sister. I guess Mr. Esposito was doing some fight management in his early days. I see aunts and uncles from my father's side of the family, but no, not him. He's not in this movie. For all you fans of Float, which I wrote following our mom's passing: the images of a boat at a dock that follows the wedding footage... it really does follow the wedding footage. (A Coincidence!) ok...

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Notes on Handel's Theodora

Theodora (1750) By Georg Fredrich Handel and Thomas Morell, dramatizes the story of Theodora and Didymus, based on The Martyrdom of Theodora and of Didymus (1687) by Robert Boyle and Pierre Corneille's Théodore, Vierge et Martyre. STORY: Valens, The Governor of Antioch, orders his citizens to make sacrificial offerings to Venus and Flora to celebrate the birthday of deceased Roman Emporor Diocles. He orders his soldier, Septimus, to enforce this order. Like her other Christian friends, Theodora does not attend the celebration. As punishment for not doing so, Valens sentences Theodora to serve as a prostitute in the Temple of Venus, and should she refuse this service he directs the temple guards to rape her. Theodora counts among her Christian friends Didymus, who is also a soldier employed by Governor Valens. When Didymus visits Theodora, she asks him to (mercifully) kill her. Instead, Didymus suggests that they cross-dress. After they exchange outfits, she exits the temple in his stead. When Valens learns of Theodora's escape, he modifies her sentence from a life of prostitution in the Temple of Venus, to death and orders the execution of Didymus in her place. Theodora, reunited with Irene and her other Christian friends, attends the execution to exchange her life for Didymus's. This selfless act moves soldier Septimus to recommend clemency for both, but Governor Valens remains unmoved. Valens orders the execution of both Theodora and Didymus. Theodora and Didymus sing of their immortality. In the performance released in 1969 by Vanguard Records, Johannes Somary conducts The English Chamber Orchestra. The cast includes Heather Harper, Maureen Forrester, Alexander Young, Edgar Fleet & John Lawrenson

Monday, July 17, 2023

Reminders from items of past moments that survive time (for a time)

Our past disappears But in its moments we fix items, words, sounds, images, in various media and they remain for a time.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Mushroom Head (Rejected Maintenant 16 "Net Zero" Dada Submission - for development)

I can Do for you While I am Here. Is regrettable "We must beware of the mushroom," and out of his head sprouts a mushroom. Now you spread the virus. Is it herpes? "We must embrace the mushrooms; they negotiate with us sexually, we who are temptable." And out of his head sprouts a mushroom The singularity of plant, animal and mushroom is achievable. Technology helps achieve its own, with humans, singularity. There are Penis fungi, and Vaginal fungi. It’s their shape. It’s the high drawn cheek bones and mouth-like hole Do you think your brutality destroys it? Can this be an optimistic horror story? Ultimately, if sacrificing the purity of humanity for a greater singularity makes for a happy ending, then yes. He became a tool of the herpes virus, spreading to others, but what of the others? They too are carriers of its spores They infect The smallest contangion, the virus, is genetic material in protein Bacterium, is a cell. Fungi, yeast mold, multicellular resembling an animal Jun 17, 2020 Cedars-Sinai Staff Scientists' rapidly expanding knowledge makes it clear that we are not made up primarily of “human” cells that are occasionally invaded by microbes; our body is really a superorganism of cohabitating cells, bacteria, fungi and most numerous of all: viruses. The latest counts indicate that as much as half of all the biological matter in your body is not human." A fight to the death, when the other half rises. And it’s all fuel for a fire. I miss my Jesus Christ; why’d you have to scare him away (he's replaced with Jack the Ripper.)? Right now we’re getting upwards of ninety in years. I love and live for what you do to my mushroom mouth and in return I give you me (in crumpled pieces) and the resilience to host me throughout the balance of your natural life. He's made a pact with the mushroom by Peter Dizozza

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The Coccyx Tail, The Undone Spiral and the Bunny Puff

The Drawing is a page from the collected artwork of Maira Vergara. The song originated because of The Bushwick Book Club's revisit with the work of Dame Darcy, a comic book writer and performer with her own brand of wares. My access to the material was limited to the samples distributed to the participants, in my case it is specific to page four of her Meatcake Bible Tour Diary episode. Her work is fantastic, and she sang beautiful sea chanties at the Book Club event. I need to be hit over the head to read more, although I did see Dame Darcy and crew at a bar nearby following the event and she gave me stickers of her ad designs that Zora loves. The event took place at the Ukrainian National Home indoor back room beer garden, behind the restaurant, to the right of their Sly Fox Bar, and to the left of the stoop of the home of Susan Hwang and Julian Kytasty. Theoretically... the song speaks for itself...I'm happy to answer any questions.